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:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf asgard | public | 26 players | 2016-08-08T18:37:35.095Z

2intime13101.3012% Russian Federation
1Steno2.014170.82028% Italy
1#!RE9200.45031% Russian Federation
0Mr.Wright28191.47028% Italy
0murdog21141.5124% United States
0CHAKALL19181.06025% Bulgaria
0Kittemmurt15160.94225% Italy
0Untamed13111.18027% South Africa
0FerdinandFranz9130.69019% Germany
0elBanana7220.32122% Poland
0Struppi270.29023% Germany

1sauer_noob1234027% Poland
0J-2336182140% Poland
0Zack17121.42014% Germany
0yam16116037% Germany
0Fusselfrei16190.84041% Germany
0spiff16270.59021% United States
0julia12210.57021% Russian Federation
0Misha10170.59028% India
0PWG->Smhsch<38100.8020% Germany
0[RUSS]Sterlik4180.22110% Russian Federation
0TannusZapfus3210.14010% Switzerland
0[FOX]foxtreat150.208% Bulgaria
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