!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf tejen | public | 21 players | 2016-08-01T09:31:07.524Z

3(ESP)Whatelse29281.04034% France
1BOOB_MARLEY1672.29041% Australia
1NarcissistsFail11260.42116% Netherlands
1InfrontofKB690.67415% Japan
0[tBMC]Rsn63213135% Germany
0{camper}dkfl-5136113.27030% Russian Federation
07418171.06028% Russian Federation
0<J4F>Sahadar1243036% Poland
0iliqn01000% Bulgaria

0lee-wales-uk38351.09041% South Africa
0Weissbrot26370.7031% Germany
0Juno23290.79033% South Africa
0Astrobe14230.61013% France
0Friend790.78028% United States
0blaukraut5230.22111% Germany
0pizux4220.1819% France
0RED|Secdet-10-110% Germany
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