!mpressive Sauer Tracker

:: Pastaland :: | France

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insta_ctf haste | public | 24 players | 2016-06-15T20:15:00.611Z

3LordBug7150.47012% United States
2Dude13390.33125% Germany
2:-x11220.508% France
1wumme11230.48220% Germany
1-110150.67133% Russian Federation
1[RUSS]Sterlik111014% Russian Federation
0|RB|Partizan66223238% Serbia
0nooby.Benz59202.95135% Germany
0Nix34221.55033% Germany
0YOLO|BillyBoy22250.88024% Spain
0Fusselfrei370.43140% Germany

1Steno2.019260.73028% Italy
0Gandhii45222.05033% Germany
0zyx32271.19038% Austria
0WrongGuy26300.87030% France
0[RUSS]TrianG22290.76124% Latvia
0omnitron16270.59119% Croatia
0Maserati11200.55119% Germany
0maxsuper7290.24214% Russian Federation
0|noVI:hircalen6100.6025% France
0n00b|cheese00000% United States
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