!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY iCTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf ctf_suite | public | 25 players | 2021-04-23T19:23:16.026Z

1FûяяÿĎєğęňëřåtě123264.73453% Germany
1(&)Tagliatelle15430.35112% France
0Gorr52371.41426% Latvia
0Flääschwoscht32410.78125% Germany
0Springbok20380.53316% South Africa
0BlackMadness19470.4216% United States
0KRL15510.29323% Russian Federation
0[BOOF]BOOPHY7440.1618% United States
0PheasantPlucker661023% United Kingdom

1Crash29460.63019% Germany
0gotchu84283239% Romania
0Zack45431.05327% Germany
0GOD44321.38222% Poland
0wellerman26330.79122% Germany
0Asphaltfraese16450.36317% Germany
0ПaПaня670.86018% Kazakhstan
0maxsuper2180.1117% Russian Federation
0Ninja53400000% United States
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