!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY ICTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf stadium | public | 24 players | 2020-12-31T15:34:11.579Z

3murdog25141.79029% United States
3Toranaga24201.2031% Switzerland
1(&)Bavettine24181.33127% Japan
1Perussola22171.29020% Italy
1Keule14200.7024% Germany
1sleven12250.48116% Germany
0*<]:)GoT)vis*RS57202.85050% Serbia
0o0Bananaphone0o18290.62023% Germany
0Sauerkraut7120.58025% United States
0driesje02560.83027% Netherlands
0BATMAN120.5033% India

2ellitoo14240.58217% Chile
1some_weirdo18260.69020% Austria
0FixittixiF35291.21130% Germany
0gavin34271.26224% Italy
0unnamed1472056% France
0:^)pollo2312101.2024% Italy
0granola10260.38022% Greece
0unnamed9210.43029% Netherlands
0:^)istallgentoo6130.46015% Italy
0Ooooh_Yeah00000% United States
0Holgiwood-17-0.1410% Germany
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