!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY ICTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf regal | public | 18 players | 2020-12-30T11:58:57.885Z

3CMB21320.66026% France
1fc38301.27126% Poland
0h847261.81033% India
0Snowman33171.94025% Netherlands
0El38|Spectrum13131129% Argentina
0Asphaltfraese10150.67034% Germany
0LSD_258170.47030% United States
0Virgil240.5022% Germany

1FingerImPo31320.97024% Austria
0Schorsch53331.61042% Austria
0abdolban34321.06125% Russian Federation
0RansomSubject27151.8043% Australia
0Lord-Grummel16380.42120% Germany
0MacRond11330.33112% France
0\\ziq|tee//01000% France
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