!mpressive Sauer Tracker

::: RUGBY ICTF ::: | Germany

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insta_ctf suburb | public | 20 players | 2020-12-26T12:27:40.699Z

3Shitold_shit29161.81017% Poland
1HaGaR13160.81021% Netherlands
1ARCH#Tortellini11220.5010% Slovenia
0w00p|wulkr42113.82039% Germany
0Nix31161.94038% Germany
0Leon.D651.2027% Germany
0bhagwan4170.24020% India
0alcoholic01000% Russian Federation

2UNTAMED22201.1020% United States
1Boegi12300.4120% Germany
0blabla23191.21127% Germany
0Uhh13170.76027% Lithuania
0XanD10240.42016% Hungary
0Gnocci7100.7015% Kenya
0McBench240.5013% Germany
0.unnamed120.5025% Germany
0Pavlov00000% Germany
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