!mpressive Sauer Tracker

D E M O P H O B I A | Germany

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insta_ctf dust2 | public | 22 players | 2015-12-26T23:32:15.000Z

4Scary33241.38121% Russian Federation
166633211.57040% Ukraine
1intuneric25231.0915% Romania
1=(0..0)=24270.89236% Russian Federation
1MrFixit19191114% New Zealand
1approximatif4110.36010% France
0Tatwaffe24290.83027% Germany
0Zombarik21211125% Belarus
0Dave20141.43131% Germany
0colin-128-0.0432% France

2Perussola20300.67224% Italy
1ColourblindBaal22221326% Germany
1ULLA18320.56222% Germany
0razor31112.82037% Russian Federation
0R.A.G.E23171.35119% Germany
0|AoG|KiTA-X23201.15133% Slovenia
0cp6GERILAC22250.88020% Serbia
0{Stealth}turtle22280.79127% United States
0PX-8017230.74214% France
0AAA5200.25122% Taiwan
caspar Germany
noirehcoZ Switzerland
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