!mpressive Sauer Tracker

D E M O P H O B I A | Germany

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insta_ctf hallo | public | 24 players | 2015-12-26T23:07:52.000Z

2ooooo33122.75127% Poland
1=(0..0)=15250.6024% Russian Federation
1JoeRizzla360.5011% Slovenia
0Schnabel59229.5037% Germany
0cp6GERILAC21121.75128% Serbia
0|AoG|KiTA-X15190.79125% Slovenia
0Superleo181010160.63215% Germany
0Mar-mite8140.57019% Italy
0AAA5100.5021% Taiwan
0Night313027% France

2inibox/duck.exe11280.39018% Netherlands
1ULLA16220.73018% Germany
0MrFixit18181130% New Zealand
0Robocop12200.6114% Russian Federation
0{Stealth}turtle12220.55016% United States
0~V~11250.44020% Russian Federation
0poney2270.0739% France
0Vezwyx00000% United States
0slash03000% France
0Perussola04000% Italy
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