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|AoG| Insta CTF | France

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insta_ctf mbt1 | public | 17 players | 2015-12-23T02:16:41.000Z

2BlueZebra6250.2405% United States
1Nix29251.16030% Germany
1Drahtpantoffel2120.1708% Germany
0A6i6ok60272.22041% Belarus
0tuta37211.76124% Serbia
0skumbrie1391.44137% Poland
0noobie771025% Germany

1admin??24211.14119% Uruguay
1Lokillo17280.61017% Colombia
1conebone12200.6016% Germany
12PAC7230.3010% United States
0cezava39241.63036% Austria
0TheGentleman26211.24125% Germany
0<<REZZO>>2120.17112% Germany
0Cosca01000% Germany
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